The Stranger in the Mirror

You get up in the morning and drag your ass to the bathroom trying to work out the stiffness that has settled into your body overnight.  You do what you need to do, go to the sink to wash your hands, and look in the mirror.  Who the hell is the old woman staring back at you?  She must be a stranger and what the hell is she doing in your mirror?!?

It’s You!

Then, slowly, the realization sinks in.  It’s you.  What happened?  Inside, you still feel like the same person you were 30 years ago.  You still expect to see that young, vibrant person you’ve always been.

You have the same values, get excited about the same things and have the same personality.  You still like to hang out with friends and drink wine.  Your sense of humor is just as raunchy as it was in high school; farts are still funny.

Yet, this woman in the mirror is old, has wrinkles and hair that’s not as thick and shiny as it used to be.  Maybe she’s not as fit as she used to be and is tired all the time.  This image does not fit the person you are inside.

Do You Mourn the Loss of Her?

All we focus on is what’s missing and we mourn the loss of the person we used to see in the mirror as if we’re somehow “less than” at this point in our life.  The truth is that every day that passes, we become so much more.

Along the Way

Your eyes, that may not seem as bright as they once were, are the same eyes that saw your children for the first time.  The same eyes they looked into for reassurance and love when they let go of your hand on their first day of school.  The same eyes that cried bittersweet tears of joy when they got married and watched them leave to start a life of their own.

Maybe your mouth now has lines around it and lips that are no longer as plump as they once were.  It’s the same mouth that experienced your first kiss and told the most important people in your life that you loved them.  It’s the place where all of the laughter along the way was born.

Your arms, now, may continue to wave long after you’ve stopped waving, but they’ve also held so much joy during your life.  These are the same arms that were the first to hold your babies and gave them hugs as they grew.  They held the love of your life for the first dance at your wedding, hugged your daughter at hers and held your son for the mother/son dance at his.

Tears, Love and Laughter

The stranger in the mirror is no stranger at all.  She’s the person you’ve always been.  The you that’s experienced tears and laughter, love and joy. The woman in the mirror tells your amazing story.  Just think of how much you would have missed if she was the same woman from 30 years ago.

Maybe it’s time to thank her for the sweet memories and look forward to what has yet to come.


You are uniquely beautiful.  Celebrate the woman looking back at you.


Stop Settling.  Go Rogue!

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